A deafening silence echoed through the room. The sound of silence finally making itself known. It challenged the frosty stillness of the iciest of storms, a roar louder than any fathomable, a sound, a sound so quiet- it was almost ineffable. An emptiness, a gaping hollow seemed to befall them, a mayhem creating havoc between the exchanged glances of utter pandemonium.
The slightest of sounds startled them, shaking them to the core. Suddenly, every breath held so much more weight, as the air filling their lungs seemed to whoosh in a clamorous impatience. Blood rushed through their veins in an ear-splitting rage, untamed. The soft beats of a serene heart broke into a meticulous sprint, as their eyes blinked rapidly; the subdued clicks surprised them immensely.
Their bones swayed a subtle creak each time their hands flexed, alongside the muffled sound of their sinewy muscles sliding muscles sliding over them, making them shudder.
A misguided soul and a lost wanderer seemed to finally find their subconscious, refusing profusely to be silenced. Screeching an unearthly screech, it voiced its disgruntled verdict. It was too loud. Too intimidating. It demanded authority.
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