An ethereal swirl of shades, ineffable in its raw essence. Flashing before his eyes were colours so innumerable that the knowledge of their denoted names escaped him. Wordless, he stared unblinkingly at the sight that he could not get enough of. He could fill journals explaining, expounding, and expanding on the priceless scene splayed before him, yet doing no justice to the surreal entity.
A picture perhaps, could never capture the solace of the soundlessness that reigned. It could never reiterate the shades of magic and wonder that lay before him. The burning embers of the twinkling stars never seemed so fierce and vulnerable all at once. A sudden flicker in its shine seemed to turn down the fire that licked his soul in pure adrenaline.
The timelessness of the moment never seemed to forego Neil's memory. An untarnished moment of weightlessness seemed to lift away the sense of accountability; a promise of boundless freedom engulfing his being. Consuming. Overtaking. Titanic.
Alas, the moment slipped away but he relived it in memory- an infinite loop, clinging to its fascination in indignation. Space. Such an empty word for an infinite so profound.
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